Amplify Your Finances and Supercharge Your Cash Flow and Profits!
Calling all salon & spa owner visionaries who want to GROW or EXPAND your business.
You will learn ‘HOW TO’
While other trainings tell you ‘what to do, and why to do it,’ Champ Camp teaches you ‘HOW TO’ do it! Our expert team is right there by your side – guiding you, helping you, role playing with you – until you get it!
Upcoming Events Calendar
Hear What Graduates Have to Say!
“Champ Camp was transformational! I feel like I went in as a caterpillar and came out as a transformed butterfly. I’ve never been pushed that hard to really think about me, my life, and what I really wanted. The real gift was to be given all the tools to create the life & career I had always wanted but did not know how to make happen!”
“Since completing Champ Camp and working with my Inspiring Champions Coach, my income has grown 60%, retail increased 280%, and my average service ticket grew by 65%. Best of all I achieved this growth working 20 LESS hours a week thus creating work/life balance. I have become a better mom, a better person and an overall better business woman.”
“Since Champ Camp, I’ve grown so much! You helped me simplify and realize that’s it’s not about how many clients are in my chair but what I’m actually doing with the clients that I do have. You have inspired and motivated me to push myself and step out of my comfort zone and it’s working! My average ticket has gone up 113%. My prebook went from 43% to 78% and my retail to service consistently hits 21%! This is truly mind blowing to me and I’m so thankful.”
“The best thing about Champ Camp is to be able to have your stylists go outside the salon for three days, get motivated, learn skills and techniques that don’t come from the owner, and then bring that energy back to the salon. The energy level in my business is constantly being recharged each time new stylists start and then attend Champ Camp.”
Meet Your Trainers
Investment For Champ Camp
Champ Camp | City, TBA
May 18-20, 2025
Investment: $1,799 USD per ticket
Reviewer ticket: $899 USD (Applies only to those who have previously attended Champ Camp)
Payment Plans Available