Explode Your Income & Sales NOW!!
We’ve Already Helped THOUSANDS Accomplish This! Now You Can Too!
You Will Learn:
Meet Your Trainer
Lauren Gartland, Founder & President of Inspiring Champions
Lauren, the “Red Head Firecracker” has impacted the beauty industry since 1983 by “Inspiring Dreams, Passion, and the Champion Within!” Lauren founded Inspiring Champions in 1995, and has since transformed the lives of TENS of THOUSANDS, using her proven and repeatable business systems for dramatically increasing sales, client retention, income and profit – all while having fun! Rated as one of the top business trainers and success coaches in the Salon & Spa industry
Tuesday, May 7, 2019
10:00 a.m. – 4:15 p.m.
Special Pricing:
Only $99 (includes lunch)
Where: San Diego, CA
Exact location coming soon!
Tuesday, April 30th
To Purchase Tickets by phone:
Please call 800-496-9305, Ext 0
or Email: info@inspiringchampions.com